Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last-minute Idea + Infant = Bad Plan

So, I forgot that everything takes longer with Baby. I really wanted to make a whole outfit for my son but ended up making him and myself absolutely crazy trying to get it done. I had to keep chanting to myself, "If I don't make this, it's okay. If I don't make this, it's okay. If I don't make this, it's okay." I WAS able to make a little hood for him, the following morning. That turned out well enough, and it was super adorable. We got lots of compliments. Since then, I have been working on completing the infant outfit so he can wear it to whatever the next event is.

I finished the white cotton under shirt the day after Christmas and held it up for my mother-in-law to see and she (rightly) said, "There's no way his head is going to fit through that!" DRAT! So, I'll need to extend the "keyhole" neckline down probably to his navel in order to get it around his big baby head. I guess, since it will be an UNDERSHIRT, that it won't much matter if it doesn't tie all the way closed - one tie at the neckline should be okay. It's just a bummer I've got to rip off the very nice (home-made!) bias-tape collar that I sewed on by hand. Backstitched by hand.

So, I'm back to working on the Tudor undergarments for my friends' wedding. I had a bit of a scare last week because I couldn't find my notebook that had everybody's measurements in it. Turns out my husband got bit by the, "We're having company and I want this room to be spotless" bug and didn't even take notice of what he was randomly stashing places. Fortunately for me, he was able to find WHERE he stashed things and my notebook was there. Phew!

Since the corsets are already cut out (see previous post) I have started cutting out the farthingales for both bridesmaids. I would start sewing boning channels on the corsets, but my sewing machine is in dire need of a tune-up (as I discovered when trying to sew a tiny outfit for my son - I couldn't get through a whole seam without the thread breaking or getting wound up funny or somesuch frustrating nonesense) so I aim to get all the cutting done in the meantime.

I am using Drea Leed's Making A Period Farthingale using the same 45" canvas used for the sturdy corset fabric.

I'll get photos up of the Little Bud's outfit pieces, cuz this post is kind of boring without any pictures. :p

1 comment:

  1. Haha! So, two children later, that undershirt that I made absolutely DID fit over the noggin just fine. For both kids. I have pictures, somewhere.
